Monday, October 31, 2022
Oracle and Tarot Readings: October 31, 2022 Happy Halloween
Sunday, October 30, 2022
Oracle and Tarot Readings: October 30, 2022
Saturday, October 29, 2022
Oracle and Tarot Readings: October 29, 2022
Hello and welcome to Fractal Flowers. Today is Saturday, October 29, 2022, and I have pulled our oracle card for the day. Our message comes from the Celtic Tree Oracle deck and the card is the Fearn Alder. This oracle deck features the Celtic Ogham tree language and the sacred tree we are focusing on is Alder which is represented by Fearn. You may see the ogham and picture featuring the Alder leaf to the left. Though the picture features the card upright, our message is reversed.
The Alder tree speaks to us about bringing ourselves into harmony and balance. This may include keeping our male and feminine energies in balance, but you will want to inspect yourself and your recent actions. Have you been acting in balance and harmony? Are your actions in line with your core beliefs?
Alder speaks to us about the importance of psychic development and our connection to our Spirit Team for guidance, knowledge, and wisdom. Your Spirit Team is multi-faceted and includes ancestors, friends, and loved ones who have crossed into spirit, spirit guides including ascended masters, spirit animals, fairies, and angels, spirit helpers from the astral plane, and God. Take time in meditation to hear their wisdom and guidance for you.
Pay attention to additional ways Spirit is speaking to you today. This could include signs in nature including animal life, synchronicities, and your dreams. Trust your intuition and don't doubt your own spiritual power and psychic connections to Spirit.
Bring all aspects of your life into balance and you see that the answers you seek lie within.
You may see a video speaking about the sacred Celtic Alder tree below.
Friday, October 28, 2022
Oracle and Tarot Readings: October 28, 2022
Hello and welcome to Fractal Flowers. It is Friday, October 28, 2022, and today's message is from the Angels and Ancestors deck. Today's card is 'Wise One' and the message is Grow Within Your Current Situation.
Thursday, October 27, 2022
Orace and Tarot Readings October 27, 2022
Hello and welcome to Fractal Flowers. Today is Thursday, October 27, 2022, and I pulled a card for you today. Our message is from the Animal Spirit oracle deck by Colette Baron-Reid and it is number 49, Rabbit Spirit. I've included a photo of our card upright, however; today's message is reversed. That means that it is a protective message and we may need to make some personal adjustments in our lives in order to reap all of the blessings Spirit has in store for us. The message that accompanies Rabbit Spirit is 'Now is a lucky time.' You may see a photo of Rabbit Spirit to the left.
There is a new opportunity awaiting you and Spirit is saying it is time to take a leap of faith. You are beginning a new journey and in your heart, you are ready for the adventure, but you are afraid. It takes a huge boost of courage to trust that you will be okay when you venture into unforeseen territory. Rabbit Spirit offers the assurance that you can make this jump because this is a prosperous time of blessings and new beginnings.
Trust in your partnership with Spirit and let faith guide and lead you as you move forward on your journey. Don't let fear stop you from experiencing all the blessings that are yours to enjoy. Don't stay in the dark afraid to step into the sunlight because you aren't sure what you'll find.
Rabbit Spirit also encourages you to adopt a playful, fun spirit as you embrace the unknown yet trust in Spirit as you move forward on your journey. There is a carefree nature that comes when you lose your inhibitions and find your faith. You are a co-creator in this life with Spirit. Find your faith and take action as you leap into your new destiny. Spirit will not let you fall.
You deserve to live the life you've dreamed of. Don't let fear or anxiety hold you back.
Here is a wonderful white light meditation from the Honest Guys that will help you stay grounded knowing you are safe and secure as you overcome doubt, fears, and anxiety and realize your goals.
Wednesday, October 26, 2022
Oracle and Tarot Readings: October 26, 2022
Hello and welcome to Fractal Flowers. Today is Wednesday, October 26, 2022, and I have pulled our oracle card of the day. I used the Goddess Power oracle deck by Colette Baron-Reid and our goddess is Kuan Yin. The message is compassion and the number is 27. I have shown the card upright, but today's message is actually reversed. This means that we need to course correct and come into alignment.
Tuesday, October 25, 2022
Working With God's Energy For The Highest Good of All
As an energy healer, I understand the importance of bringing in the white light of the Holy Spirit through the crown chakra and purifying my spirit, soul, mind, will, emotions, and physical body. I also know the importance of growing, clearing, and cleansing my chakras, down to the root that is connected to the red ruby crystal pulsating at the center of the earth...where we are connected to our great Mother Earth. What I want to speak about is working with God's energy for the highest good of all.
Oracle and Tarot Readings: October 25, 2022
Hello and welcome to Fractal Flowers. It is Tuesday, October 25, 2022, and I have drawn our oracle card for the day. I used the Oracle of the Fairies deck by Karen Kay and our beautiful Spirit message is Journey. This is a wonderful card to show up after yesterday's reading that spoke about our focus and becoming unstuck in life. Now, Spirit is telling us to get our preparations in order because a journey is coming.
Of course, this message may not be literal and can simply mean that you are on your spiritual journey and to be prepared for a new level of growth and understanding.
Monday, October 24, 2022
Oracle and Tarot Readings; October 24, 2022
Hello and welcome to Fractal Flowers. Today is Monday, October 24, 2022, and here is our oracle card reading. The deck I am using is the Flowers Oracle by Antonella Castelli and the card is number 7 and Chestnut Bud. This deck works with Dr. Bach's Flower Remedies and Chestnut Bud and is useful for those who find themselves stuck in limiting beliefs, destructive habits, and unable to move forward from the past. Chestnut Bud can help those who need help to focus on their current, and present situation in order to move forward on their journey.
Sometimes in life, people make mistakes, learn their lesson then move on. Chestnut Bud appears in our reading today to say at other times, we fail to learn lessons and continually make the same mistakes. This is an unhealthy and destructive pattern that results in stagnation and failure to grow or move forward. Spirit is asking us to do a quick inventory and see if there are any situations in our lives we repeat. If we are always ending up in the same place, it's because we haven't learned to travel in a different direction. Many of us continue driving down a dead-end street trying to get to a different destination. It simply will not happen.
In order to reach our goals, we have to map out the correct course. When we take a wrong turn, we must receive the information with self-awareness and admit that we made a mistake. Then we start over and follow the map correctly. If we continue to follow the same wrong path, we will never reach our goal.
How many times have you found yourself in the same situation? They say the definition of insanity is doing the same thing repeatedly and expecting a different result. If you continue to find yourself in the same situation, then it is time to make some necessary changes.
Chestnut Bud comes in today to say don't be afraid to course correct. Yes, you will first need to accept your mistake with humility, receive information to help you find your path, and then course correct but what is the alternative? Are you going to stay stuck and stagnant because your pride is too great?
There can be a sense of failure experienced by those who don't want to recognize their mistakes and begin again. You must not look at your past mistakes as failures but as grand opportunities to start over. Ask yourself how wonderful you will feel once you course correct and start moving forward in life. There is nothing to be gained from staying stuck in limiting situations that leave you feeling trapped, unable to move freely, and living without joy. You are a wonderful, magical creature who deserves to enjoy life to the fullest. It's time to break free from the things that have you bound, trapped, and stuck. Move forward in joy, happiness, and freedom. You deserve it!
Please enjoy this guided meditation from the Honest Guys that will help you focus on letting go of the past and moving forward on your spiritual journey through life.
Sunday, October 23, 2022
Oracle and Tarot Readings: October 23, 2022
Hello and welcome to Fractal Flowers. It is Sunday, October 23, 2022, and today's oracle reading is from the Oracle of the Roses. this is a beautiful deck by Cheralyn Darcey and features 44 roses. Today's message is number 34 and the rose is the Madame Abel Chatenay. Our message is 'The Self' and you may see a picture of today's card to the right.
Spirit is asking us to examine our thought patterns, practices, behaviors, and beliefs. We cannot grow and expand if we are unwilling to look at ourselves through the careful lens of self-examination.
We must strive to bring ourselves into alignment with Spirit and our higher selves by being honest and open with ourselves. If there are behaviors, habits, or negative thought patterns that are holding us back we must identify these and rectify them.
You must be assured and confident that you are connected to Spirit and have the ability within yourself to solve problems and course-correct when you go astray. Spending time in meditation is often the key to those moments in life when one feels overburdened, stressed, and filled with anxiety. Instead, take time to stop, reflect, and spend time in meditation for it is often within that we find the answers to the outside problems we face.
Have you been hard on yourself? Have you doubted your strength, your confidence, and your ability to problem solve, or do you feel that your best simply isn't good enough? You have everything that you need to accomplish your dreams, goals, and visions within you. You are your own superhero, but you must begin by having a healthy sense of self-esteem. Also, ensure that you are living your life in balance.
As human beings, we live our lives according to various cycles and rhythms and sometimes these are out of balance. Meditation will help you find your balance once again and reconnect you with yourself, your mind, your higher self, and with Spirit.
Do you believe that you have the answers within you to the problems you face? If you are still in doubt about your awesomeness, stop and think about previous times you have problem-solved and found solutions to situations on your own. This is no different. No matter what you are facing, you have the tools to solve the problem.
Our beautiful Madame Abel Chatenay rose blooms bountiful and reminds us we too grow, blossom, and bloom like the rose.
Saturday, October 22, 2022
Oracle and Tarot Readings: October 22, 2022
Hi and welcome to Fractal Flowers. It is Saturday, October 22, 2022, and I will give messages from Spirit using multiple oracle decks. Here is a photo of today's reading and a breakdown of each oracle deck and the card drawn. Several cards in today's reading are reversed. This means that Spirit has either an alignment task for us or is offering a protection message.
Here are today's cards drawn for our Fractal Flowers oracle reading.
- The Mother (17): The Oracle of the Roses
- Water Violet (34): The Flowers Oracle
- Magical Gateway: Oracle of the Fairies
- Aine (reversed) (1): Goddess Power Oracle Deck
- Brown Bear Spirit (reversed) (9): Spirit Animal Oracle
- Druid: Angels and Ancestors Oracle Deck
- Straif Blackthorn (reversed) (14): Celtic Tree Oracle
- Sage: The Witches' Kitchen
Oracle of the Roses: The Mother
Cybele: The Phrygian Goddess, The Mother of all Gods
The Flowers Oracle: Water Violet
Many of these people prefer their company to others and seemingly do very well by being alone. They are self-reliant, confident, and are perfectly content without opening up their lives to others, but this isn't what Spirit has planned for them. If you are in this situation yet still feel pangs of loneliness, Spirit wants you to know that you are never truly alone. By examining your heart and healing any past hurts, you can lower your guard and find your way to truly opening your heart to those whom you wish to have a deeper relationship with. Not only this, but you will find that your love for humanity will increase and you can enjoy a deeper relationship with Spirit, a more grounded connection to Mother Earth and all of her inhabitants, and find a new connection with other people.
Dr. Bach Flower Remedy: Water Violet
Oracle of the Fairies: Magical Gateway
The key to walking through the magical gateway to the fairy realm is found in your heart. Do you believe that fairies are real?
Fairy Whisperers Claim to Be Able to See Fairies
Goddess Power Oracle Deck: Aine (reversed)
Spirit Animal Oracle Deck: Brown Bear Spirit (reversed)
Angels and Ancestors Oracle Deck: Druid
Remember, this is not the time to make any sudden changes.
Celtic Tree Oracle: Straif Blackthorn (reversed)
Witches' Kitchen: Sage
Friday, October 21, 2022
Oracle and Tarot Readings: October 21, 2022
Hello and welcome to Fractal Flowers. Today is Friday, October 21, 2022, and I am giving messages from Spirit using my oracle and tarot decks. Part of this reading will be on the blog and the other part will take place live on YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter.
If you have questions regarding one of plants, flowers, goddesses, or animal types in these readings, please use the Wikipedia app to the right of these blog posts and search for more information.
I am starting with eight oracle decks. They are as follows.
- The Lover (24): The Oracle of the Roses
- Gorse (13): The Flowers Oracle
- Wait for Winter: Oracle of the Fairies
- Yuki Onna (upright) (52): Goddess Power Oracle Deck
- Dolphin Spirit (20): Spirit Animal Oracle
- Star Ancestor: Angels and Ancestors Oracle Deck
- Nuin Ash (reversed) (5): Celtic Tree Oracle
- Apple: The Witches' Kitchen
Oracle of the Roses: The Lover
Next, you want to live a life that is in balance and in alignment, that shows the love you have for others, the world, and the environment (animals, plants, Mother Earth), and next you want to show yourself a healthy sense of love. Some may say that your love for Spirit and love for yourself walk hand-in-hand and is actually the first on the list because if you can't love yourself, you won't show love to your neighbors and your environment. It is by cultivating a loving relationship with Spirit (the God of your own understanding) that you will learn how to truly love yourself and love others as well.
Flowers Oracle: Gorse
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By Rosser1954 -Roger Griffith, Public Domain |
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CC BY-SA 3.0 |
Oracle of the Fairies: Wait for Winter
this message lets us know that within approximately two months' time, there is going to be a spiritual breakthrough and to stand in faith, hope, and remain steadfast.
You have 61 days! What miracles can you and Spirit manifest in 61 days? Make sure the things you manifest are for the highest good of all and under Spirit's divine plan of love. Take action now. Remove any spiritual (or physical) blocks that have stopped you from reaching your goal. Strategize, get focused, and work on your plan. Together, you and Spirit can co-create miracles!
Goddess Power Oracle: Yuki-Onna (Upright)
non-action and encourages you to stand still as you wait for your intentions to bring forth your manifestations. Today's reading has repeatedly spoke about our manifestations coming to pass during winter. No matter where you are reading this from, the messages from Spirit indicate that we can expect our manifestations to materialize in approximately 61 days.
The Spirit Animal Oracle: Dolphin Spirit
There are always lessons to be learned in life and Dolphin Spirit reminds us that nothing in life is so simple that it is all negative or all positive. By keeping your heart humble and open to Spirit, you will see the sun through the storms and know that no matter what comes your way, the sun will shine again.
Dolphin Music for Sleep, Relaxation and Stress Relief
Angels and Ancestors Oracle: Star Ancestor
Celtic Tree Oracle: Nuin Ash (Reversed)
Witches' Kitchen Oracle: Apple
Christianity. They are also associated with other myths and legends where apples represent love, fertility, health, and success. Apples are also associated with a happy marriage.
Thursday, October 20, 2022
Oracle and Tarot Reading: October 20, 2022
Hello! It's October 20, 2022, and I have pulled our oracle and tarot reading for the day. Here are the eight oracle cards that I drew. They are as follows.
- The Artist: The Oracle of the Roses
- Vine: The Flowers Oracle
- Abundance: Oracle of the Fairies
- Demeter Reversed: Goddess Power Oracle Deck
- Frog Spirit: Spirit Animal Oracle
- Knight: Angels and Ancestors Oracle Deck
- Uilleand Honeysuckle: Celtic Tree Oracle
- Chamomile: The Witches' Kitchen
You may see the cards in the photo below. Please take a second to look at the cards and see if they speak to you. What are your first impressions? What is Spirit conveying to you through the images? Please jot down any thoughts, ideas, or inspirations in your spiritual journals.
Oracle of the Roses: The Artist
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By Peter Paul Rubens - Museao del Prado[1], Public Domain |
Flowers Oracle: Vine
The Oracle of the Fairies: Abundance
Goddess Power Oracle: Demeter Reversed
Spirit Animal Oracle: Frog Spirit
Angels and Ancestors: Knight
Celtic Tree Oracle: Uilleand Honeysuckle
Witches' Kitchen Oracle: Chamomile
Messages From Spirit: Live Psychic Mediumship, Tarot, and Oracle Readings
Wednesday, October 5, 2022
Celestial Frequencies: Music Piece by Fractal Flowers Charisse Van Horn
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© Fractal Flowers Charisse Van Horn |
I've found that music is an integral component of entering what I call the "trance state". It is in this frame of mind that communicating with the Spirit realm becomes effortless. I don't always play live music during my YouTube streams, but I do always play spiritual, and uplifting music (that I have the rights to) during my streams. If I am not playing my own music, I am playing other music that I find helps me enter the "trance state" easily and efficiently.
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